Higher profitability through sensor-based recommendations for action

Measure and evaluate movement and behaviour

Revolutionise your business or event with real-time insights: Optimise your assortment, space utilisation, and movement flows for maximum efficiency and profitability. Our performance marketing unleashes your potential – fast, smart, successful.

Use sensor data to my advantage

»We make the impossible possible: Bridging the gap between the physical retail and the online world, not just to understand shopping patterns, but to shape them. With us, retail stores uncover the secrets behind customer desires – for noticeable increases in revenue through tailored insights.«
Marius Pana, CEO
Increased efficiency through motion and behaviour monitoring

Sensor data in real time

Physical retail, as well as organisers and operators of passenger transport systems are facing major challenges. More people are increasingly moving in confined spaces, which increases queuing times or slows down processes. Product ranges are becoming more diverse and must be offered attractively within the same space. In addition, consumers are increasingly making their purchases online, which gives e-commerce cutting-edge information about customers, which the physical retail is lacking.

By monitoring people's movements and behaviour using sensors in real time, XPOLI provides you with data protection-compliant recommendations for immediately improvement of numerous processes in your store, around your event and on the better exploitation of your floor space. You optimize pathways and movement flows of people and reduce queuing times in real-time. You make better use of sales surfaces and place your assortment and your offers in a more sales-promoting way. You optimize the deployment of your staff in advance and more efficiently. All in all, you increase your profitability.

sales increase / profitability

queue reduction

purchase quota increase

Want to know how our digital technology can help you get ahead?

Learn what we do for you

Higher conversion rate


Consumers want efficiency and convenience when shopping instead of crowded stores, empty shelves, or lack of offerings. Learn more about customer journeys, product interests, and decision-making behaviors. Improve the flow of purchases in your supermarket, optical store, or drugstore in real time and position products in preferred areas to promote sales. Increase both customer satisfaction and your conversion rate at the same time.

Create experiences

People Mover

Both in public spaces and in the field of passenger transportation, for example at train stations and airports, more and more people are moving in the same space. Queues form, especially at peak times. At airports, manage visitor flows earlier and better so that visitors can get to your duty-free stores faster and optimize space utilization.

Increase visitor satisfaction


Visitors to trade fairs, concerts or museums don't want to wait long at ticket counters and entrances. Find out in real time when visitor flows increase and where queues form. Our technology can provide the same depth of data to trade shows as the online offered to the exhibitors. Respond immediately and control access to your event space as well as processes within your event area. Increase visitor satisfaction and become more efficient.

Customised Advertising

Performance Marketing

Retail store owners or managers, as well as event organisers, are increasingly using the opportunity to advertise within their retail space or around their event space. Identify the most important touchpoints within your retail store as well as on your event floor and measure the dwell time of customers and visitors. Place advertisements along the customer journey tailored to the respective customer thereby influencing their purchasing behaviour.

We optimize space utilization, product range and movement flows

Sensor-based and data protection compliant

Learn more about our technology

XPOLI has responded to the challenges of brick-and-mortar retail, event organizers and operators of people-movement systems by developing sensor-based software that complies with data protection regulations.

With this, we help operators, owners, general managers, and store managers to optimize space utilization, product range and movement flows. Our services for you:

  • Capturing and collecting movement and behaviour patterns in real time
  • Analysis of customer paths and shopping behaviour
  • Aggregation of collected data
  • Derivation of valuable recommendations for action for implementation in real time
total analysed shopping time
(in years)

items searched for in vain

distance travelled by all customers
(circumnavigations of the earth)

The latest from XPOLI


We will be happy to keep you up to date on current developments. You can also find out about events or our awards.

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Sustainable business model

We grow

XPOLI was founded in 2020 and has already developed into a high-performance partner for physical retail, event organizers as well as operators of passenger transportation systems. Our business model is intact, and our sensor technology is future-proof. We are growing internationally and have already attracted investors who support founding spirit, innovation, and growth. Private investors are also welcome.

Become an investor

We make our customers more profitable

Reliable from A to Z

We are a motivated and passionate team with extensive expertise in sensor and AI-based software with multiple applications. We reliably take care from A to Z. Focused. Targeted. Value-driven.

Our team

We have strong partners.